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Crawlers Wanted: high pay, certain risk.
Plausible deniability a must.

Run a crew of renegade adventurers on the fringes of deep space, taking jobs from megacorps and navigating the intricate politics of wealth and power. Solve mysteries, uncover corruption and help shape the fate of the universe with your choices!

You’re a Crawler, and that means you work for those that can pay. Asset recovery, commercial espionage, and mayhem for hire are just a few of your crew’s specialized services. If something shady needs doing, chances are a Crawler will be involved. Succeed and you’ll be rewarded with better pay then any corp drone can dream of. Plus, you’ll earn the respect of the eclectic assortment of merchants, opportunists and adventurers who make their home in the fringes of space.

StarCrawlers Launch Trailer


  • Wage strategic battles against futuristic enemies with an innovative time unit turn-based combat system.
  • Procedurally-generated dungeons and events create endless replayability.
  • Choose your allies and your foes. Your choices will change how the story unfolds.
  • Eight customizable player classes.
  • 4 difficulty modes and optional permadeath.





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StarCrawlers is available now through Steam and GOG.com!


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Buy StarCrawlers on Steam

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StarCrawlers is a modern take on a classic cRPG dungeon crawler set in a gritty spacepunk universe. Build a crew of renegade adventurers on the fringes of space, taking jobs from megacorps to hunt bounties, sabotage rivals and conduct corporate espionage.


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The Prototype

You found it in a space crate and probably should not have switched it on. Though almost indestructible and sporting an uncanny knack for dealing with fellow robots, it is prone to malfunction. And haiku.


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Signature Abilities

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Aegis Mode: Calculate immense probabilities to predict the target’s next move before they have even conceived it. The Prototype can usually shoot a target before they take action. Unless the Prototype malfunctions…


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Arm canon: When one of your arms is a giant plasma cannon, wanton destruction is kind of your thing. Charge the cannon and there’s a good chance you’ll decimate the correct target.





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The Cyberninja

When you need a tough target taken down with brutal efficiency, you need a Cyberninja. Hailing from their homeship. They occasionally join crawler crews, pursuing their own mysterious agendas.


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Signature Abilities

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Flip Kick:
Leaping about the battlefield with blades flashing, CyberNinjas take advantage of the position of their allies to strike and then flip backwards, preparing to immediately attack again.


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Moving at blinding speed, CyberNinjas seem to be everywhere at once in a fight. When faced with multiple enemies they have been known to strike each target in a single fluid motion.





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The Prototype

You found it in a space crate and probably should not have switched it on. Though almost indestructible and sporting an uncanny knack for dealing with fellow robots, it is prone to malfunction. And haiku.


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Signature Abilities

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Aegis Mode: Calculate immense probabilities to predict the target’s next move before they have even conceived it. The Prototype can usually shoot a target before they take action. Unless the Prototype malfunctions…


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Arm canon: When one of your arms is a giant plasma cannon, wanton destruction is kind of your thing. Charge the cannon and there’s a good chance you’ll decimate the correct target.





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The Force Psyker

Sent forth from their monastery homeship, Force Psykers quest to develop their powers while collecting tithes to send home. Rebellious initiates often fall in with crawlers, their ability to shape raw psychic energy making them valuable allies.


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Signature Abilities

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Force Hammer:
Some Psykers seek subtle manipulation of a foe’s thoughts and emotions. The Force Psyker seeks to manifest giant psychic hammers and smash those feelings, and their meat casings, into a bloody pulp.


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Warding Blow:
Powerful Force Psykers can recoup the destructive energies unleashed from their attacks, forming a protective barrier to shield a weakened ally. Sometimes the best defense is a brutal offense.








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